archived R/LikSIS_ARpGenDist_functions.R

# # Compute PIT values
# PITvalues = function(H, predDist){
#   PITvalues = rep(0,H)
#   predd1 = predDist[1,]
#   predd2 = predDist[2,]
#   Tr = length(predd1)
# #
#   for (h in 1:H){
#     id1 = (predd1 < h/H)*(h/H < predd2)
#     id2 = (h/H >= predd2)
#     tmp1 = (h/H-predd1)/(predd2-predd1)
#     tmp1[!id1] = 0
#     tmp2 = rep(0,Tr)
#     tmp2[id2] = 1
#     PITvalues[h] = mean(tmp1+tmp2)
#   }
# PITvalues = c(0,PITvalues)
# return(diff(PITvalues))
# }
# # compute predictive distribution AR1--new   file no  resampling
# PDvaluesAR1 = function(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber,CountDist){
#   old_state <- get_rand_state()
#   on.exit(set_rand_state(old_state))
#   # number of regressors assuming there is an intercept
#   nreg = ifelse(is.null(Regressor), 0,dim(Regressor)[2]-1)
#   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
#   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters-the regressor is assumed to have an intercept
#   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
#                            "Poisson"             = 1:(1+nreg),
#                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:(2+nreg),
#                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:(3+nreg),
#                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:(2+nreg),
#                            "Binomial"            = 1:(2+nreg))
#   if(nreg<1){
#     # retrieve marginal cdf
#     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Poisson"             = ppois,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ pnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2])},
#                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ pmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = pGpois,
#                    "Binomial"            = pbinom
#     )
#     # retrieve marginal pdf
#     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Poisson"             = dpois,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ dnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2]) },
#                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ dmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = dGpois,
#                    "Binomial"            = dbinom
#     )
#   }else{
#     # retrieve marginal cdf
#     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
#     )
#     # retrieve marginal pdf
#     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
#     )
#   }
#   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
#   MargParms  = theta[MargParmIndices]
#   nMargParms = length(MargParms)
#   nparms     = length(theta)
#   # check if the number of parameters matches the model setting
#   if(nMargParms + sum(ARMAorder)!=nparms) stop('The length of theta does not match the model specification.')
#   # Add the regressor to the parameters--only works for Negative Binomial
#   if(CountDist == "Negative Binomial" && nreg>0){
#     beta = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
#     k = MargParms[nreg+2]
#     m = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
#     r = 1/k
#     p = k*m/(1+k*m)
#     ConstMargParm = r
#     DynamMargParm = p
#   }
#   if(CountDist == "Generalized Poisson" && nreg>0){
#     beta   = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
#     ConstMargParm  = MargParms[nreg+2]
#     DynamMargParm = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
#   }
#   # retrieve ARMA parameters
#   AR = NULL
#   if(ARMAorder[1]>0) AR = theta[(nMargParms+1):(nMargParms + ARMAorder[1])]
#   MA = NULL
#   if(ARMAorder[2]>0) MA = theta[ (nMargParms+ARMAorder[1]+1) : (nMargParms + ARMAorder[1] + ARMAorder[2]) ]
#   #set.seed(1)
#   xt = data
#   T1 = length(xt)
#   N  = ParticleNumber # number of particles
#   preddist = matrix(0,2,T1-1) # to collect the values of predictive distribution of interest
#   # Compute integral limits
#   if(nreg==0){
#     a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(data[1]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
#     b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(data[1],t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
#   }else{
#     a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(data[1]-1, ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
#     b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(data[1], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
#   }
#   # Generate N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
#   zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#   zhat = AR*zprev
#   wprev = rep(1,N)
#   rt = sqrt(1-AR^2)
#   for (t in 2:T1){
#     temp = rep(0,(xt[t]+1))
#     for (x in 0:xt[t]){
#       # Compute integral limits
#       if(nreg==0){
#         a = (qnorm(mycdf(x-1,t(MargParms)),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#         b = (qnorm(mycdf(x,t(MargParms)),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#       }else{
#         a = (qnorm(mycdf(x-1,ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#         b = (qnorm(mycdf(x,ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#       }
#       temp[x+1] = mean(wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)))/mean(wprev)
#     }
#     err  = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#     znew = AR*zprev + rt*err
#     zhat = AR*znew
#     wprev = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#     if (xt[t]==0){
#       preddist[,t-1] = c(0,temp[1])
#     }else{
#       preddist[,t-1] = cumsum(temp)[xt[t]:(xt[t]+1)]
#     }
#   }
#   return(preddist)
# }
# PDvaluesARp_NoRes = function(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber,CountDist, epsilon){
#   # number of regressors assuming there is an intercept
#   nreg = ifelse(is.null(Regressor), 0,dim(Regressor)[2]-1)
#   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
#   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters-the regressor is assumed to have an intercept
#   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
#                            "Poisson"             = 1:(1+nreg),
#                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:(2+nreg),
#                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:(3+nreg),
#                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:(2+nreg),
#                            "Binomial"            = 1:(2+nreg))
#   if(nreg<1){
#     # retrieve marginal cdf
#     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Poisson"             = ppois,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ pnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2])},
#                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ pmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = pGpois,
#                    "Binomial"            = pbinom
#     )
#     # retrieve marginal pdf
#     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Poisson"             = dpois,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ dnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2]) },
#                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ dmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = dGpois,
#                    "Binomial"            = dbinom
#     )
#   }else{
#     # retrieve marginal cdf
#     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
#     )
#     # retrieve marginal pdf
#     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
#     )
#   }
#   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
#   MargParms  = theta[MargParmIndices]
#   nMargParms = length(MargParms)
#   nparms     = length(theta)
#   # check if the number of parameters matches the model setting
#   if(nMargParms + sum(ARMAorder)!=nparms) stop('The length of theta does not match the model specification.')
#   # Add the regressor to the parameters--only works for Negative Binomial
#   if(CountDist == "Negative Binomial" && nreg>0){
#     beta = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
#     k = MargParms[nreg+2]
#     m = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
#     r = 1/k
#     p = k*m/(1+k*m)
#     ConstMargParm = r
#     DynamMargParm = p
#   }
#   if(CountDist == "Generalized Poisson" && nreg>0){
#     beta   = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
#     ConstMargParm  = MargParms[nreg+2]
#     DynamMargParm = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
#   }
#   # retrieve ARMA parameters
#   AR = NULL
#   if(ARMAorder[1]>0) AR = theta[(nMargParms+1):(nMargParms + ARMAorder[1])]
#   MA = NULL
#   if(ARMAorder[2]>0) MA = theta[ (nMargParms+ARMAorder[1]+1) : (nMargParms + ARMAorder[1] + ARMAorder[2]) ]
#   #set.seed(1)
#   xt = data
#   T1 = length(xt)
#   N  = ParticleNumber # number of particles
#   preddist = matrix(0,2,T1-ARMAorder[1]) # to collect the values of predictive distribution of interest
#   wgh = matrix(0,T1,N)        # to collect all particle weights
#   # allocate memory for zprev
#   ZprevAll = matrix(0,ARMAorder[1],N)
#   # Compute integral limits
#   if(nreg==0){
#     a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
#     b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1],t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
#   }else{
#     a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1, ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
#     b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
#   }
#   # Generate N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
#   zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#   # save the currrent normal variables
#   ZprevAll[1,] = zprev
#   # initial estimate of first AR coefficient as Gamma(1)/Gamma(0) and corresponding error
#   phit = TacvfAR(AR)[2]/TacvfAR(AR)[1]
#   rt = as.numeric(sqrt(1-phit^2))
#   # particle filter weights
#   wprev = rep(1,N)
#   wgh[1,] = wprev
#   if (ARMAorder[1]>=2){
#     for (t in 2:ARMAorder[1]){
#       # best linear predictor is just Phi1*lag(Z,1)+...+phiP*lag(Z,p)
#       if (t==2) {
#         zhat = ZprevAll[1:(t-1),]*phit
#       } else{
#         zhat = colSums(ZprevAll[1:(t-1),]*phit)
#       }
#       # compute random errors from truncated normal
#       err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#       # compute the new Z and add it to the previous ones
#       znew = rbind(zhat + rt*err, ZprevAll[1:(t-1),])
#       ZprevAll[1:t,] = znew
#       # recompute weights
#       wgh[t,] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#       wprev = wgh[t,]
#       # use YW equation to compute estimates of phi and of the errors
#       Gt = toeplitz(TacvfAR(AR)[1:t])
#       gt = TacvfAR(AR)[2:(t+1)]
#       phit = as.numeric(solve(Gt) %*% gt)
#       rt =  as.numeric(sqrt(1 - gt %*% solve(Gt) %*% gt/TacvfAR(AR)[1]))
#     }
#   }
#   for(t in (ARMAorder[1]+1):T1){
#     # compute phi_1*Z_{t-1} + phi_2*Z_{t-2} for all particles
#     if(ARMAorder[1]>1){# colsums doesnt work for 1-dimensional matrix
#       zhat = colSums(ZprevAll*phit)
#     }else{
#       zhat=ZprevAll*phit
#     }
#     # compute a,b and temp
#     temp = rep(0,(xt[t]+1))
#     for (x in 0:xt[t]){
#       # Compute integral limits
#       if(nreg==0){
#         a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(x-1,MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#         b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(x,  MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#       }else{
#         a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(x-1,ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#         b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(x,  ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#       }
#       temp[x+1] = mean(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#     }
#     # draw errors from truncated normal
#     err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#     # Update the underlying Gaussian series (see step 3 in SIS section in the paper)
#     znew = zhat + rt*err
#     # recompute weights
#     wgh[t,] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#     wprev = wgh[t,]
#     # save particles
#     ZprevAll = rbind(znew, ZprevAll[1:(ARMAorder[1]-1),])
#     # compute predictive distribution
#     if (xt[t]==0){
#       preddist[,t-ARMAorder[1]] = c(0,temp[1])
#     }else{
#       preddist[,t-ARMAorder[1]] = cumsum(temp)[xt[t]:(xt[t]+1)]
#     }
#   }
#   return(preddist)
# }
# # compute predictive distribution AR(p)--new file resampling
# PDvaluesARp = function(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber,CountDist, epsilon){
#   old_state <- get_rand_state()
#   on.exit(set_rand_state(old_state))
#   # number of regressors assuming there is an intercept
#   nreg = ifelse(is.null(Regressor), 0,dim(Regressor)[2]-1)
#   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
#   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters-the regressor is assumed to have an intercept
#   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
#                            "Poisson"             = 1:(1+nreg),
#                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:(2+nreg),
#                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:(3+nreg),
#                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:(2+nreg),
#                            "Binomial"            = 1:(2+nreg))
#   if(nreg<1){
#     # retrieve marginal cdf
#     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Poisson"             = ppois,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ pnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2])},
#                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ pmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = pGpois,
#                    "Binomial"            = pbinom
#     )
#     # retrieve marginal pdf
#     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Poisson"             = dpois,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ dnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2]) },
#                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ dmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = dGpois,
#                    "Binomial"            = dbinom
#     )
#   }else{
#     # retrieve marginal cdf
#     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
#     )
#     # retrieve marginal pdf
#     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
#     )
#   }
#   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
#   MargParms  = theta[MargParmIndices]
#   nMargParms = length(MargParms)
#   nparms     = length(theta)
#   # check if the number of parameters matches the model setting
#   if(nMargParms + sum(ARMAorder)!=nparms) stop('The length of theta does not match the model specification.')
#   # Add the regressor to the parameters--only works for Negative Binomial
#   if(CountDist == "Negative Binomial" && nreg>0){
#     beta = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
#     k = MargParms[nreg+2]
#     m = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
#     r = 1/k
#     p = k*m/(1+k*m)
#     ConstMargParm = r
#     DynamMargParm = p
#   }
#   if(CountDist == "Generalized Poisson" && nreg>0){
#     beta   = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
#     ConstMargParm  = MargParms[nreg+2]
#     DynamMargParm = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
#   }
#   # retrieve ARMA parameters
#   AR = NULL
#   if(ARMAorder[1]>0) AR = theta[(nMargParms+1):(nMargParms + ARMAorder[1])]
#   MA = NULL
#   if(ARMAorder[2]>0) MA = theta[ (nMargParms+ARMAorder[1]+1) : (nMargParms + ARMAorder[1] + ARMAorder[2]) ]
#   #set.seed(1)
#   xt = data
#   T1 = length(xt)
#   N  = ParticleNumber # number of particles
#   preddist = matrix(0,2,T1-ARMAorder[1]) # to collect the values of predictive distribution of interest
#   wgh = matrix(0,T1,N)        # to collect all particle weights
#   # allocate memory for zprev
#   ZprevAll = matrix(0,ARMAorder[1],N)
#   # Compute integral limits
#   if(nreg==0){
#     a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
#     b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1],t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
#   }else{
#     a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1, ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
#     b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
#   }
#   # Generate N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
#   zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#   # save the currrent normal variables
#   ZprevAll[1,] = zprev
#   # initial estimate of first AR coefficient as Gamma(1)/Gamma(0) and corresponding error
#   phit = TacvfAR(AR)[2]/TacvfAR(AR)[1]
#   rt = as.numeric(sqrt(1-phit^2))
#   # particle filter weights
#   wprev = rep(1,N)
#   wgh[1,] = wprev
#   if (ARMAorder[1]>=2){
#     for (t in 2:ARMAorder[1]){
#       # best linear predictor is just Phi1*lag(Z,1)+...+phiP*lag(Z,p)
#       if (t==2) {
#         zhat = ZprevAll[1:(t-1),]*phit
#       } else{
#         zhat = colSums(ZprevAll[1:(t-1),]*phit)
#       }
#       # compute random errors from truncated normal
#       err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#       # compute the new Z and add it to the previous ones
#       znew = rbind(zhat + rt*err, ZprevAll[1:(t-1),])
#       ZprevAll[1:t,] = znew
#       # recompute weights
#       wgh[t,] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#       wprev = wgh[t,]
#       # use YW equation to compute estimates of phi and of the errors
#       Gt = toeplitz(TacvfAR(AR)[1:t])
#       gt = TacvfAR(AR)[2:(t+1)]
#       phit = as.numeric(solve(Gt) %*% gt)
#       rt =  as.numeric(sqrt(1 - gt %*% solve(Gt) %*% gt/TacvfAR(AR)[1]))
#     }
#   }
#   for(t in (ARMAorder[1]+1):T1){
#     # compute phi_1*Z_{t-1} + phi_2*Z_{t-2} for all particles
#     if(ARMAorder[1]>1){# colsums doesnt work for 1-dimensional matrix
#       zhat = colSums(ZprevAll*phit)
#     }else{
#       zhat=ZprevAll*phit
#     }
#     # compute a,b and temp
#     temp = rep(0,(xt[t]+1))
#     for (x in 0:xt[t]){
#       # Compute integral limits
#       if(nreg==0){
#         a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(x-1,MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#         b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(x,  MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#       }else{
#         a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(x-1,ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#         b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(x,  ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#       }
#       temp[x+1] = mean(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#     }
#     # draw errors from truncated normal
#     err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#     # Update the underlying Gaussian series (see step 3 in SIS section in the paper)
#     znew = zhat + rt*err
#     # compute unnormalized weights
#     wgh[t,] = pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
#     # normalized weights
#     wghn = wgh[t,]/sum(wgh[t,])
#     old_state1 <- get_rand_state()
#     # sample indices from multinomial distribution-see Step 4 of SISR in paper
#     ESS = 1/sum(wghn^2)
#     if(ESS<epsilon*N){
#       ind = rmultinom(1,N,wghn)
#       # sample particles
#       znew = rep(znew,ind)
#     }
#     set_rand_state(old_state1)
#     # save particles
#     if (ARMAorder[1]>1){
#       ZprevAll = rbind(znew, ZprevAll[1:(ARMAorder[1]-1),])
#     }else {
#       ZprevAll[1,]=znew
#     }
#     if (xt[t]==0){
#       preddist[,t-ARMAorder[1]] = c(0,temp[1])
#     }else{
#       preddist[,t-ARMAorder[1]] = cumsum(temp)[xt[t]:(xt[t]+1)]
#     }
#   }
#   return(preddist)
# }
# # compute residuals
# ComputeResiduals = function(theta, Regressor, ARMAorder, CountDist){
#   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#   # PURPOSE:  Compute the residuals in relation (66)
#   #
#   # NOTES:    1. See "Latent Gaussian Count Time Series Modeling" for  more
#   #           details. A first version of the paper can be found at:
#   # 
#   #
#   # INPUTS:
#   #
#   # OUTPUT:
#   #    loglik:
#   #
#   # AUTHORS: James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras, Stefanos Kechagias,
#   # DATE:    July 2020
#   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#   # number of regressors assuming there is an intercept
#   nreg = ifelse(is.null(Regressor), 0,dim(Regressor)[2]-1)
#   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
#   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters-the regressor is assumed to have an intercept
#   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
#                            "Poisson"             = 1:(1+nreg),
#                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:(2+nreg),
#                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:(3+nreg),
#                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:(2+nreg),
#                            "Binomial"            = 1:(2+nreg))
#   if(nreg<1){
#     # retrieve marginal cdf
#     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Poisson"             = ppois,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ pnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2])},
#                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ pmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = pGpois,
#                    "Binomial"            = pbinom
#     )
#     # retrieve marginal pdf
#     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Poisson"             = dpois,
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ dnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2]) },
#                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ dmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = dGpois,
#                    "Binomial"            = dbinom
#     )
#   }else{
#     # retrieve marginal cdf
#     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Poisson"             = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){             ppois   (x, DynamTheta)},
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
#     )
#     # retrieve marginal pdf
#     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
#                    "Poisson"             = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){             dpois   (x, DynamTheta)},
#                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
#                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
#     )
#   }
#   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
#   MargParms  = theta[MargParmIndices]
#   nMargParms = length(MargParms)
#   nparms     = length(theta)
#   # check if the number of parameters matches the model setting
#   if(nMargParms + sum(ARMAorder)!=nparms) stop('The length of theta does not match the model specification.')
#   # Add the regressor to the parameters--only works for Negative Binomial
#   if(CountDist == "Negative Binomial" && nreg>0){
#     beta = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
#     k = MargParms[nreg+2]
#     m = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
#     r = 1/k
#     p = k*m/(1+k*m)
#     ConstMargParm = r
#     DynamMargParm = p
#   }
#   if(CountDist == "Generalized Poisson" && nreg>0){
#     beta   = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
#     ConstMargParm  = MargParms[nreg+2]
#     DynamMargParm = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
#   }
#   if(CountDist == "Poisson" && nreg>0){
#     beta           = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
#     ConstMargParm  = NULL
#     DynamMargParm  = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
#   }
#   # retrieve ARMA parameters
#   AR = NULL
#   if(ARMAorder[1]>0) AR = theta[(nMargParms+1):(nMargParms + ARMAorder[1])]
#   MA = NULL
#   if(ARMAorder[2]>0) MA = theta[ (nMargParms+ARMAorder[1]+1) : (nMargParms + ARMAorder[1] + ARMAorder[2]) ]
#   xt = data
#   # sample size
#   n = length(xt)
#   # allocate memory
#   Zhat <- rep(-99,n)
#   # pGpois funcion doesnt allow for vetor lambda so a for-loop is needed, however the change shouldnt
#   # be too hard. note the formula subtracts 1 from the counts Xt so it may lead to negative numbers
#   # thats why there is and if else below.
#   for (i in 1:n){
#     k <- data[i]
#     if (k != 0) {
#       if(nreg==0){
#         # Compute limits
#         a = qnorm(mycdf(xt[i]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1)
#         b = qnorm(mycdf(xt[i],t(MargParms)),0,1)
#       }else{
#         a = qnorm(mycdf(xt[i]-1, ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[i]) ,0,1)
#         b = qnorm(mycdf(xt[i], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[i]) ,0,1)
#       }
#       Zhat[i] <- (exp(-a^2/2)-exp(-b^2/2))/sqrt(2*pi)/(mycdf(k, ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[i])-mycdf(k-1,ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[i]))
#     }else{
#       if(nreg==0){
#         # Compute integral limits
#         b = qnorm(mycdf(xt[i],t(MargParms)),0,1)
#       }else{
#         b = qnorm(mycdf(xt[i], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[i]) ,0,1)
#       }
#       Zhat[i] <- -exp(-b^2/2)/sqrt(2*pi)/mycdf(0, ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[i])
#     }
#   }
#   # apply AR filter--Fix me allow for MA as well
#   residual = data.frame(filter(Zhat,c(1,-AR))[1:(n-ARMAorder[1])])
#   names(residual) = "residual"
#   return(residual)
# }
# # Compute Predictive Distribution of AR1 Poisson--Old file
# PDvaluesPoissonAR1Old = function(theta, phi, data,   ParticleNumber){
#   cdf = function(x, theta){ ppois(x, lambda=theta[1]) }
#   pdf = function(x, theta){ dpois(x, lambda=theta[1]) }
#   #set.seed(1)
#   xt = data
#   T1 = length(xt)
#   N = ParticleNumber# number of particles
#   preddist = matrix(0,2,T1-1) # to collect the values of predictive distribution of interest
#   a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta),0,1)
#   b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta),0,1)
#   a = rep(a,N)
#   b = rep(b,N)
#   zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#   zhat = phi*zprev
#   wprev = rep(1,N)
#   for (t in 2:T1){
#     temp = rep(0,(xt[t]+1))
#     for (x in 0:xt[t]){
#       rt = sqrt(1-phi^2)
#       a = (qnorm(cdf(x-1,theta),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#       b = (qnorm(cdf(x,theta),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#       temp[x+1] = mean(wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)))/mean(wprev)
#     }
#     err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#     znew = phi*zprev + rt*err
#     zhat = phi*znew
#     wprev = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#     if (xt[t]==0){
#       preddist[,t-1] = c(0,temp[1])
#     }else{
#       preddist[,t-1] = cumsum(temp)[xt[t]:(xt[t]+1)]
#     }
#   }
#   return(preddist)
# }
# # Compute Predictive Distribution of MA2 Poisson with Regressors -- Old file
# PDvaluesMA2OldReg = function(theta, tht, data, Regressor, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber){
#   #set.seed(1)
#   cdf = function(x, theta){ ppois(x, lambda=theta[1]) }
#   pdf = function(x, theta){ dpois(x, lambda=theta[1]) }
#   xt = data
#   T1 = length(xt)
#   # number of regressors assuming there is an intercept
#   nreg = ifelse(is.null(Regressor), 0,dim(Regressor)[2]-1)
#   theta0 = theta[1:(nreg+1)]
#   theta1 = exp(Regressor%*%theta0)
#   N = ParticleNumber # number of particles
#   preddist = matrix(0,2,T1-1) # to collect the values of predictive distribution of interest
#   gam1 = tht[1]*(1+tht[2])/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)
#   gam2 = tht[2]/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)
#   a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1[1,]),0,1)
#   b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1[1,]),0,1)
#   a = rep(a,N)
#   b = rep(b,N)
#   zprev1 = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#   tht11 = gam1
#   zhat1 = tht11*zprev1
#   rt1 = ( 1 - tht11^2 )^(1/2)
#   wprev = rep(1,N)
#   temp = rep(0,(xt[2]+1))
#   for (x in 0:xt[2]){
#     a2 = (qnorm(cdf(x-1,theta1[2,]),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
#     b2 = (qnorm(cdf(x,theta1[2,]),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
#     temp[x+1] = mean(wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1)))/mean(wprev)
#   }
#   err2 = qnorm(runif(length(a2),0,1)*(pnorm(b2,0,1)-pnorm(a2,0,1))+pnorm(a2,0,1),0,1)
#   znew2 = zhat1 + rt1*err2
#   znew_all = cbind(znew2,zprev1)
#   tht22 = gam2
#   tht21 = (gam1 - tht11*tht22)/rt1^2
#   tht_all = cbind(rep(tht21,N),rep(tht22,N))
#   zhat_all = cbind(zhat1,rep(0,N))
#   zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
#   rt2 = (1 - tht21^2*rt1^2 - tht22^2)^(1/2)
#   wprev = wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1))
#   rt_all = c(rt2,rt1)
#   zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat1)
#   if (xt[2]==0){
#     preddist[,2-1] = c(0,temp[1])
#   }else{
#     preddist[,2-1] = cumsum(temp)[xt[2]:(xt[2]+1)]
#   }
#   for (t in 3:T1)
#   {
#     temp = rep(0,(xt[t]+1))
#     for (x in 0:xt[t]){
#       a = (qnorm(cdf(x-1,theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
#       b = (qnorm(cdf(x,theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
#       temp[x+1] = mean(wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)))/mean(wprev)
#     }
#     err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#     znew = zhat_all[,1] + rt_all[1]*err
#     znew_all = cbind(znew,znew_all[,1])
#     thtt2 = gam2/rt_all[2]^2
#     thtt1 = (gam1 - tht_all[1]*thtt2*rt_all[2]^2)/rt_all[1]^2
#     tht_all = cbind(rep(thtt1,N),rep(thtt2,N))
#     zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
#     rt = (1 - thtt1^2*rt_all[1]^2 - thtt2^2*rt_all[2]^2)^(1/2)
#     wprev = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#     rt_all = c(rt,rt_all[1])
#     zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat_all[,1])
#     if (xt[t]==0){
#       preddist[,t-1] = c(0,temp[1])
#     }else{
#       preddist[,t-1] = cumsum(temp)[xt[t]:(xt[t]+1)]
#     }
#   }
#   return(preddist)
# }
# # two functions to help me plot the qqplot
# # nsim <- function(n, m = 0, s = 1) {
# #   z <- rnorm(n)
# #   m + s * ((z - mean(z)) / sd(z))
# # }
# nboot <- function(x, R) {
#   n <- length(x)
#   m <- mean(x)
#   s <- sd(x)
#           lapply(1 : R,
#                  function(i) {
#                    xx <- sort(nsim(n, m, s))
#                    p <- seq_along(x) / n - 0.5 / n
#                    data.frame(x = xx, p = p, sim = i)
#                  }))
# }
# #---------NON RESAMPLING FUNCTIONS need to be updated---------#
# FitMultiplePF = function(initialParam, data, CountDist, nfit, ParticleSchemes){
#   # Let nparts by the length of the vector ParticleSchemes.
#   # This function fits maximizes the PF likelihood, nfit manys times for nparts many choices
#   # of particle numbers, thus yielding a total of nfit*nparts many estimates.
#   # how many choices for the number of particles
#   nparts = length(ParticleSchemes)
#   nparms = length(initialParam)
#   # allocate memory to save parameter estimates, hessian values, and loglik values
#   ParmEst = matrix(0,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
#   se =  matrix(NA,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
#   loglik = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
#   # Each realization will be fitted nfit*nparts many times
#   for (j in 1:nfit){
#     set.seed(j)
#     # for each fit repeat for different number of particles
#     for (k in 1:nparts){
#       # number of particles to be used
#       ParticleNumber = ParticleSchemes[k]
#       # remove the ParticleNumber from the likelihood function arguments
#       myfun = function(theta,data)LikSISGenDist_ARp_Res(theta, data, ParticleNumber, CountDist)
#       # run optimization for our model
#       optim.output <- optim(par = initialParam, fn = myfun,
#                             data=data,
#                             hessian=TRUE, method = "BFGS")
#       # save estimates, loglik value and diagonal hessian
#       ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,]  = optim.output$par
#       loglik[nfit*(k-1) +j]   = optim.output$value
#       se[nfit*(k-1)+j,]       = sqrt(abs(diag(solve(optim.output$hessian))))
#     }
#   }
#   All = cbind(ParmEst, se, loglik)
#   return(All)
# }
# ParticleFilterMA1 = function(theta, data, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber, CountDist){
#   #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#   # PURPOSE:  Use particle filtering with resampling to approximate the likelihood
#   #           of the a specified count time series model with an underlying MA(1)
#   #           dependence structure.
#   #
#   # NOTES:    1. See "Latent Gaussian Count Time Series Modeling" for  more
#   #           details. A first version of the paper can be found at:
#   # 
#   #           2. This function is very similar to LikSISGenDist_ARp but here
#   #           I have a resampling step.
#   #
#   # INPUTS:
#   #    theta:            parameter vector
#   #    data:             data
#   #    ParticleNumber:   number of particles to be used.
#   #    CountDist:        count marginal distribution
#   #    epsilon           resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
#   #
#   # OUTPUT:
#   #    loglik:           approximate log-likelihood
#   #
#   #
#   # AUTHORS: James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras, Stefanos Kechagias,
#   # DATE:    April 2020
#   #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#   #print(theta)
#   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
#   old_state <- get_rand_state()
#   on.exit(set_rand_state(old_state))
#   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters
#   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
#                            "Poisson"             = 1,
#                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:2,
#                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:3,
#                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:2,
#                            "Binomial"            = 1:2)
#   # retrieve marginal cdf
#   mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                  "Poisson"                       = ppois,
#                  "Negative Binomial"             = function(x, theta){ pnbinom(q = x, size = theta[1], prob = 1-theta[2]) },
#                  "Mixed Poisson"                 = pMixedPoisson,
#                  "Generalized Poisson"           = pGenPoisson,
#                  "Binomial"                      = pbinom
#   )
#   # retrieve marginal pdf
#   mypdf = switch(CountDist,
#                  "Poisson"                       = dpois,
#                  "Negative Binomial"             = function(x, theta){ dnbinom(x, size = theta[1], prob = 1-theta[2]) },
#                  "Mixed Poisson"                 = dMixedPoisson,
#                  "Generalized Poisson"           = dGenPoisson,
#                  "Binomial"                      = dbinom
#   )
#   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
#   MargParms = theta[MargParmIndices]
#   nMargParms = length(MargParms) # num param in MargParms
#   # retrieve MA parameters
#   tht = theta[nMargParms + 1]
#   xt = data
#   T1 = length(xt)
#   N = ParticleNumber          # number of particles
#   wgh = matrix(0,T1,N)        # to collect all particle weights
#   # Compute integral limits
#   a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
#   b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1],t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
#   # Generate N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
#   zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#   # Exact form for one-step ahead prediction in MA(1) ase
#   rt0 = 1+tht^2
#   zhat = tht*zprev/rt0
#   # particle filter weights
#   wprev = rep(1,N)
#   wgh[1,] = wprev
#   nloglik = 0 # initialize likelihood
#   for (t in 2:T1){
#     rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 173 in BD book
#     rt = sqrt(rt0/(1+tht^2))
#     # compute limits of truncated normal distribution
#     a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#     b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],MargParms),0,1) -   zhat)/rt
#     # draw errors from truncated normal
#     err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#     # Update the underlying Gaussian series (see step 3 in SIS section in the paper)
#     znew = zhat + rt*err
#     zhat = tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
#     wgh[t,] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#     wprev = wgh[t,]
#   }
#   # likelihood approximation
#   lik = mypdf(xt[1],MargParms)*mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))
#   # for log-likelihood we use a bias correction--see par2.3 in Durbin Koopman, 1997
#   nloglik = -log(lik)
#   #- (1/(2*N))*(var(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,])))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))
#   if (nloglik==Inf |{
#     out = 10^6
#   }else{
#     out = nloglik
#   }
#   return(out)
# }
# ParticleFilterMA1New = function(theta, data, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber, CountDist){
#   #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#   # PURPOSE:  Use particle filtering with resampling to approximate the likelihood
#   #           of the a specified count time series model with an underlying MA(1)
#   #           dependence structure.
#   #
#   # NOTES:    1. See "Latent Gaussian Count Time Series Modeling" for  more
#   #           details. A first version of the paper can be found at:
#   # 
#   #           2. This function is very similar to LikSISGenDist_ARp but here
#   #           I have a resampling step.
#   #
#   # INPUTS:
#   #    theta:            parameter vector
#   #    data:             data
#   #    ParticleNumber:   number of particles to be used.
#   #    CountDist:        count marginal distribution
#   #    epsilon           resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
#   #
#   # OUTPUT:
#   #    loglik:           approximate log-likelihood
#   #
#   #
#   # AUTHORS: James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras, Stefanos Kechagias,
#   # DATE:    April 2020
#   #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#   #print(theta)
#   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
#   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters
#   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
#                            "Poisson"             = 1,
#                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:2,
#                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:3,
#                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:2,
#                            "Binomial"            = 1:2)
#   # retrieve marginal cdf
#   mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                  "Poisson"                       = ppois,
#                  "Negative Binomial"             = function(x, theta){ pnbinom(q = x, size = theta[1], prob = 1-theta[2]) },
#                  "Mixed Poisson"                 = pMixedPoisson,
#                  "Generalized Poisson"           = pGenPoisson,
#                  "Binomial"                      = pbinom
#   )
#   # retrieve marginal pdf
#   mypdf = switch(CountDist,
#                  "Poisson"                       = dpois,
#                  "Negative Binomial"             = function(x, theta){ dnbinom(x, size = theta[1], prob = 1-theta[2]) },
#                  "Mixed Poisson"                 = dMixedPoisson,
#                  "Generalized Poisson"           = dGenPoisson,
#                  "Binomial"                      = dbinom
#   )
#   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
#   MargParms = theta[MargParmIndices]
#   nMargParms = length(MargParms) # num param in MargParms
#   # retrieve MA parameters
#   tht = theta[nMargParms + 1]
#   xt = data
#   T1 = length(xt)
#   N = ParticleNumber          # number of particles
#   wgh = matrix(0,T1,N)        # to collect all particle weights
#   # Compute integral limits
#   a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
#   b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1],t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
#   # Generate N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
#   zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#   # Exact form for one-step ahead prediction in MA(1) ase
#   rt0 = 1+tht^2
#   zhat = tht*zprev/rt0
#   # particle filter weights
#   wprev = rep(1,N)
#   wgh[1,] = wprev
#   nloglik = 0 # initialize likelihood
#   for (t in 2:T1){
#     rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 173 in BD book
#     rt = sqrt(rt0/(1+tht^2))
#     # compute limits of truncated normal distribution
#     a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#     b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],MargParms),0,1) -   zhat)/rt
#     # draw errors from truncated normal
#     err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#     # Update the underlying Gaussian series (see step 3 in SIS section in the paper)
#     znew = zhat + rt*err
#     zhat = tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
#     wgh[t,] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#     wprev = wgh[t,]
#   }
#   # break if I got NA weight
#   if (any([t,]))| sum(wgh[t,])==0 ){
#     nloglik = 10^6
#     return(nloglik)
#   }
#   # likelihood approximation
#   lik = mypdf(xt[1],MargParms)*mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))
#   # for log-likelihood we use a bias correction--see par2.3 in Durbin Koopman, 1997
#   nloglik = -log(lik)
#   #- (1/(2*N))*(var(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,])))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))
#   out =nloglik
#   return(out)
# }
# #---------new wrapper to fit PF likelihood---------#
# FitMultiplePFMA1New = function(x0, X, CountDist, Particles, LB, UB, ARMAorder, epsilon, UseDEOptim){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE       Fit the Particle Filter log-likelihood. This function maximizes
#   #               the PF likelihood, nfit manys times for nparts many choices of
#   #               particle numbers, thus yielding a total of nfit*nparts many estimates
#   #
#   # INPUT
#   #   x0          initial parameters
#   #   X           count series
#   #   CountDist   prescribed count distribution
#   #   Particles   vector with different choices for number of particles
#   #   LB          parameter lower bounds
#   #   UB          parameter upper bounds
#   #   ARMAorder   order of the udnerlying ARMA model
#   #   epsilon     resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
#   #   UseDEOptim  flag, if=1 then use Deoptim for optimization
#   #
#   #   MaxCdf      cdf will be computed up to this number (for light tails cdf=1 fast)
#   #   nHC         number of HC to be computed
#   #
#   # OUTPUT
#   #   All         parameter estimates, standard errors, likelihood value
#   #
#   # NOTES         I may comment out se in cases where maximum is achieved at the boundary
#   #
#   # Authors       Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
#   # Date          April 2020
#   # Version       3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # how many choices for the number of particles
#   nparts = length(Particles)
#   nparms = length(x0)
#   nfit = 1
#   # allocate memory to save parameter estimates, hessian values, and loglik values
#   ParmEst = matrix(0,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
#   se =  matrix(NA,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
#   loglik = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
#   n = length(X)
#   # Each realization will be fitted nfit*nparts many times
#   for (j in 1:nfit){
#     set.seed(j)
#     # for each fit repeat for different number of particles
#     for (k in 1:nparts){
#       # number of particles to be used
#       ParticleNumber = Particles[k]
#       if(!UseDEOptim){
#         if (n<400){
#           # run optimization for our model
#           optim.output <- optim(par            = x0,
#                                 fn             = ParticleFilterMA1,
#                                 data           = X,
#                                 ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
#                                 ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
#                                 CountDist      = CountDist,
#                                 lower          = LB,
#                                 upper          = UB,
#                                 hessian        = TRUE,
#                                 method         = "L-BFGS-B")
#         }else{
#           # run optimization for our model
#           optim.output <- optim(par            = x0,
#                                 fn             = likSISRMA1,
#                                 data           = X,
#                                 ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
#                                 ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
#                                 CountDist      = CountDist,
#                                 epsilon        = epsilon,
#                                 lower          = LB,
#                                 upper          = UB,
#                                 hessian        = TRUE,
#                                 method         = "L-BFGS-B")
#           }
#         }else{
#           if(n<400){
#             optim.output<- DEoptim::DEoptim(fn             = likSISRMA1,
#                                             lower          = LB,
#                                             upper          = UB,
#                                             data           = X,
#                                             ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
#                                             ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
#                                             CountDist      = CountDist,
#                                             control        = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 200, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5))
#           }else{
#             optim.output<- DEoptim::DEoptim(fn             = ParticleFilterMA1_Res,
#                                             lower          = LB,
#                                             upper          = UB,
#                                             data           = X,
#                                             ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
#                                             ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
#                                             CountDist      = CountDist,
#                                             epsilon        = epsilon,
#                                             control        = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 200, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5))
#           }
#         }
#       if(UseDEOptim){
#         ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,]  = optim.output$optim$bestmem
#         loglik[nfit*(k-1) +j]   = optim.output$optim$bestval
#       }
#       else{
#         # save estimates, loglik value and diagonal hessian
#         ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,]  = optim.output$par
#         loglik[nfit*(k-1) +j]   = optim.output$value
#         se[nfit*(k-1)+j,]       = sqrt(abs(diag(solve(optim.output$hessian))))
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   All = cbind(ParmEst, se, loglik)
#   return(All)
# }
# # #---------new wrapper to fit PF likelihood---------#
# # FitMultiplePFRes = function(x0, X, CountDist, Particles, LB, UB, ARMAorder, epsilon){
# #   #====================================================================================#
# #   # PURPOSE       Fit the Particle Filter log-likelihood. This function maximizes
# #   #               the PF likelihood, nfit manys times for nparts many choices of
# #   #               particle numbers, thus yielding a total of nfit*nparts many estimates
# #   #
# #   # INPUT
# #   #   x0          initial parameters
# #   #   X           count series
# #   #   CountDist   prescribed count distribution
# #   #   Particles   vector with different choices for number of particles
# #   #   LB          parameter lower bounds
# #   #   UB          parameter upper bounds
# #   #   ARMAorder   order of the udnerlying ARMA model
# #   #   epsilon     resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
# #   #   UseDEOptim  flag, if=1 then use Deoptim for optimization
# #   #
# #   #   MaxCdf      cdf will be computed up to this number (for light tails cdf=1 fast)
# #   #   nHC         number of HC to be computed
# #   #
# #   # OUTPUT
# #   #   All         parameter estimates, standard errors, likelihood value
# #   #
# #   # NOTES         I may comment out se in cases where maximum is achieved at the boundary
# #   #
# #   # Authors       Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
# #   # Date          April 2020
# #   # Version       3.6.3
# #   #====================================================================================#
# #
# #   # how many choices for the number of particles
# #   nparts = length(Particles)
# #   nparms = length(x0)
# #   nfit = 1
# #   # allocate memory to save parameter estimates, hessian values, and loglik values
# #   ParmEst = matrix(0,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
# #   se =  matrix(NA,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
# #   loglik = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   convcode = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   kkt1 = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   kkt2 = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #
# #   n = length(X)
# #
# #   # Each realization will be fitted nfit*nparts many times
# #   for (j in 1:nfit){
# #     set.seed(j)
# #     # for each fit repeat for different number of particles
# #     for (k in 1:nparts){
# #       # number of particles to be used
# #       ParticleNumber = Particles[k]
# #       # run optimization for our model
# #       optim.output <- optimx(par           = x0,
# #                              fn             = ParticleFilterRes,
# #                              data           = X,
# #                              ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
# #                              ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
# #                              CountDist      = CountDist,
# #                              epsilon        = epsilon,
# #                              lower          = LB,
# #                              upper          = UB,
# #                              hessian        = TRUE,
# #                              method         = "L-BFGS-B")
# #
# #       # save estimates, loglik value and diagonal hessian
# #       ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,]  = c(optim.output$p1,optim.output$p2,optim.output$p3,optim.output$p4)
# #       loglik[nfit*(k-1) +j]   = optim.output$value
# #       convcode[nfit*(k-1) +j] = optim.output$convcode
# #       kkt1[nfit*(k-1) +j]     = optim.output$kkt1
# #       kkt2[nfit*(k-1) +j]     = optim.output$kkt2
# #
# #       # compute hessian
# #       H = gHgen(par            = ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,],
# #                 fn             = ParticleFilterRes,
# #                 data           = X,
# #                 ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
# #                 CountDist      = CountDist,
# #                 ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
# #                 epsilon        = epsilon
# #       )
# #
# #
# #       # save standard errors from Hessian
# #       if(H$hessOK && det(H$Hn)>10^(-8)){
# #         se[nfit*(k-1)+j,]   = sqrt(abs(diag(solve(H$Hn))))
# #       }else{
# #         se[nfit*(k-1)+j,] = rep(NA, nparms)
# #       }
# #
# #
# #     }
# #   }
# #
# #   All = cbind(ParmEst, se, loglik, convcode, kkt1, kkt2)
# #   return(All)
# # }
# #
# #
# # #---------new wrapper to fit PF likelihood---------#
# # FitMultiplePFResReg = function(x0, X, Regressor, CountDist, Particles, LB, UB, ARMAorder, epsilon, MaxCdf, nHC, Model, OptMethod){
# #   #====================================================================================#
# #   # PURPOSE       Fit the Particle Filter log-likelihood. This function maximizes
# #   #               the PF likelihood, nfit manys times for nparts many choices of
# #   #               particle numbers, thus yielding a total of nfit*nparts many estimates.
# #   #               Here I am also considering a regressor
# #   #
# #   # INPUT
# #   #   x0          initial parameters
# #   #   X           count series
# #   #   CountDist   prescribed count distribution
# #   #   Particles   vector with different choices for number of particles
# #   #   LB          parameter lower bounds
# #   #   UB          parameter upper bounds
# #   #   ARMAorder   order of the udnerlying ARMA model
# #   #   epsilon     resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
# #   #   UseDEOptim  flag, if=1 then use Deoptim for optimization
# #   #
# #   #   MaxCdf      cdf will be computed up to this number (for light tails cdf=1 fast)
# #   #   nHC         number of HC to be computed
# #   #
# #   # OUTPUT
# #   #   All         parameter estimates, standard errors, likelihood value
# #   #
# #   # NOTES         I may comment out se in cases where maximum is achieved at the boundary
# #   #
# #   # Authors       Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
# #   # Date          April 2020
# #   # Version       3.6.3
# #   #====================================================================================#
# #
# #   # how many choices for the number of particles
# #   nparts = length(Particles)
# #   nparms = length(x0)
# #   nfit = 1
# #   # allocate memory to save parameter estimates, hessian values, and loglik values
# #   ParmEst = matrix(0,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
# #   se =  matrix(NA,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
# #   loglik = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   convcode = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   kkt1 = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   kkt2 = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #
# #   n = length(X)
# #
# #   # Each realization will be fitted nfit*nparts many times
# #   for (j in 1:nfit){
# #     set.seed(j)
# #     # for each fit repeat for different number of particles
# #     for (k in 1:nparts){
# #       # number of particles to be used
# #       ParticleNumber = Particles[k]
# #       # run optimization for our model --no ARMA model allowed
# #       if(ARMAorder[1]>0){
# #         optim.output <- optimx(par           = x0,
# #                                fn             = ParticleFilterAR_Res,
# #                                data           = X,
# #                                Regressor      = Regressor,
# #                                ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
# #                                ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
# #                                CountDist      = CountDist,
# #                                epsilon        = epsilon,
# #                                lower          = LB,
# #                                upper          = UB,
# #                                hessian        = TRUE,
# #                                method         = OptMethod)
# #       }else{
# #         optim.output <- optimx(par            = x0,
# #                                fn             = ParticleFilterMA_Res,
# #                                data           = X,
# #                                Regressor      = Regressor,
# #                                ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
# #                                ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
# #                                CountDist      = CountDist,
# #                                epsilon        = epsilon,
# #                                lower          = LB,
# #                                upper          = UB,
# #                                hessian        = TRUE,
# #                                method         = OptMethod)
# #
# #       }
# #
# #       # save estimates, loglik value and diagonal hessian
# #       ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,]  = as.numeric(optim.output[1:nparms])
# #       loglik[nfit*(k-1) +j]   = optim.output$value
# #       convcode[nfit*(k-1) +j] = optim.output$convcode
# #       kkt1[nfit*(k-1) +j]     = optim.output$kkt1
# #       kkt2[nfit*(k-1) +j]     = optim.output$kkt2
# #
# #       if(ARMAorder[1]>0){
# #         # compute hessian
# #         H = gHgen(par          = ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,],
# #                   fn             = ParticleFilterAR_Res,
# #                   data           = X,
# #                   Regressor      = Regressor,
# #                   ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
# #                   CountDist      = CountDist,
# #                   ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
# #                   epsilon        = epsilon
# #         )
# #       }else{
# #         H = gHgen(par            = ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,],
# #                   fn             = ParticleFilterMA_Res,
# #                   data           = X,
# #                   Regressor      = Regressor,
# #                   ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
# #                   CountDist      = CountDist,
# #                   ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
# #                   epsilon        = epsilon
# #         )
# #       }
# #
# #       if(H$hessOK && det(H$Hn)>10^(-8)){
# #         se[nfit*(k-1)+j,]   = sqrt(abs(diag(solve(H$Hn))))
# #       }else{
# #         se[nfit*(k-1)+j,] = rep(NA, nparms)
# #       }
# #
# #     }
# #   }
# #   # Compute model selection criteria
# #   Criteria = ComputeCriteria(loglik, nparms, n, Particles)
# #
# #
# #   # get the names of the final output
# #   parmnames = colnames(optim.output)
# #   mynames = c(parmnames[1:nparms],paste("se", parmnames[1:nparms], sep="_"), "loglik", "AIC", "BIC","AICc", "status", "kkt1", "kkt2")
# #
# #
# #   All = matrix(c(ParmEst, se, loglik, Criteria, convcode, kkt1, kkt2),nrow=1)
# #   colnames(All) = mynames
# #
# #   return(All)
# # }
# #
# # #---------new wrapper to fit PF likelihood---------#
# # FitMultiplePFMA1Res = function(x0, X, CountDist, Particles, LB, UB, ARMAorder, epsilon){
# #   #====================================================================================#
# #   # PURPOSE       Fit the Particle Filter log-likelihood. This function maximizes
# #   #               the PF likelihood, nfit manys times for nparts many choices of
# #   #               particle numbers, thus yielding a total of nfit*nparts many estimates
# #   #
# #   # INPUT
# #   #   x0          initial parameters
# #   #   X           count series
# #   #   CountDist   prescribed count distribution
# #   #   Particles   vector with different choices for number of particles
# #   #   LB          parameter lower bounds
# #   #   UB          parameter upper bounds
# #   #   ARMAorder   order of the udnerlying ARMA model
# #   #   epsilon     resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
# #   #   UseDEOptim  flag, if=1 then use Deoptim for optimization
# #   #
# #   #   MaxCdf      cdf will be computed up to this number (for light tails cdf=1 fast)
# #   #   nHC         number of HC to be computed
# #   #
# #   # OUTPUT
# #   #   All         parameter estimates, standard errors, likelihood value
# #   #
# #   # NOTES         I may comment out se in cases where maximum is achieved at the boundary
# #   #
# #   # Authors       Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
# #   # Date          April 2020
# #   # Version       3.6.3
# #   #====================================================================================#
# #
# #   # how many choices for the number of particles
# #   nparts = length(Particles)
# #   nparms = length(x0)
# #   nfit = 1
# #   # allocate memory to save parameter estimates, hessian values, and loglik values
# #   ParmEst = matrix(0,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
# #   se =  matrix(NA,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
# #   loglik = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   convcode = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   kkt1 = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   kkt2 = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #
# #   n = length(X)
# #
# #   # Each realization will be fitted nfit*nparts many times
# #   for (j in 1:nfit){
# #     set.seed(j)
# #     # for each fit repeat for different number of particles
# #     for (k in 1:nparts){
# #       # number of particles to be used
# #       ParticleNumber = Particles[k]
# #       # run optimization for our model
# #
# #       optim.output <- optimx(par           = x0,
# #                              fn             = ParticleFilterMA1_Res,
# #                              data           = X,
# #                              ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
# #                              ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
# #                              CountDist      = CountDist,
# #                              epsilon        = epsilon,
# #                              lower          = LB,
# #                              upper          = UB,
# #                              hessian        = TRUE,
# #                              method         = "L-BFGS-B")
# #
# #       # save estimates, loglik value and diagonal hessian
# #       ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,]  = c(optim.output$p1,optim.output$p2,optim.output$p3)
# #       loglik[nfit*(k-1) +j]   = optim.output$value
# #       convcode[nfit*(k-1) +j] = optim.output$convcode
# #       kkt1[nfit*(k-1) +j]     = optim.output$kkt1
# #       kkt2[nfit*(k-1) +j]     = optim.output$kkt2
# #
# #       # compute hessian
# #       H = gHgen(par            = ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,],
# #                 fn             = ParticleFilterMA1_Res,
# #                 data           = X,
# #                 ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
# #                 CountDist      = CountDist,
# #                 ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
# #                 epsilon        = epsilon
# #       )
# #
# #       if(H$hessOK){
# #         se[nfit*(k-1)+j,]   =  sqrt(abs(diag(solve(H$Hn))))
# #       }
# #     }
# #   }
# #
# #   All = cbind(ParmEst, se, loglik, convcode, kkt1, kkt2)
# #   return(All)
# # }
# # PF likelihood with resampling
# # ParticleFilterRes = function(theta, data, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber, CountDist, epsilon){
# #   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #   # REDUNANT--Initially I used this function for AR(p) ParticleFilter resampling
# #   #           without regressors. The function ParticleFilterAR_Res  considers
# #   #           general AR(p) with and without regressors.
# #   # PURPOSE:  Use particle filtering with resampling
# #   #           to approximate the likelihood of the
# #   #           a specified count time series model with an underlying AR(p)
# #   #           dependence structure.
# #   #
# #   # NOTES:    1. See "Latent Gaussian Count Time Series Modeling" for  more
# #   #           details. A first version of the paer can be found at:
# #   # 
# #   #           2. This function is very similar to LikSISGenDist_ARp but here
# #   #           I have a resampling step.
# #   #
# #   # INPUTS:
# #   #    theta:            parameter vector
# #   #    data:             data
# #   #    ParticleNumber:   number of particles to be used.
# #   #    CountDist:        count marginal distribution
# #   #    epsilon           resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
# #   #
# #   # OUTPUT:
# #   #    loglik:           approximate log-likelihood
# #   #
# #   #
# #   # AUTHORS: James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras, Stefanos Kechagias,
# #   # DATE:    November 2019
# #   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #
# #   old_state <- get_rand_state()
# #   on.exit(set_rand_state(old_state))
# #
# #   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
# #
# #   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters
# #   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
# #                            "Poisson"             = 1,
# #                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:2,
# #                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:3,
# #                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:2,
# #                            "Binomial"            = 1:2)
# #
# #   # retrieve marginal cdf
# #   mycdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                  "Poisson"             = ppois,
# #                  "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ pnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2])},
# #                  "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ pmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
# #                  "Generalized Poisson" = pGenPoisson,
# #                  "Binomial"            = pbinom
# #   )
# #
# #   # retrieve marginal pdf
# #   mypdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                  "Poisson"             = dpois,
# #                  "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ dnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2]) },
# #                  "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ dmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
# #                  "Generalized Poisson" = dGenPoisson,
# #                  "Binomial"            = dbinom
# #   )
# #
# #   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
# #   MargParms  = theta[MargParmIndices]
# #   nMargParms = length(MargParms)
# #   nparms     = length(theta)
# #
# #
# #   # retrieve ARMA parameters
# #   if(ARMAorder[1]>0){
# #     AR = theta[(nparms-ARMAorder[1]+1):(nMargParms + ARMAorder[1])  ]
# #   }else{
# #     AR = NULL
# #   }
# #
# #   if(ARMAorder[2]>0){
# #     MA = theta[ (length(theta) - ARMAorder[2]) : length(theta)]
# #   }else{
# #     MA = NULL
# #   }
# #
# #   # retrieve AR order
# #   ARorder = ARMAorder[1]
# #
# #   if (prod(abs(polyroot(c(1,-AR))) > 1)){ # check if the ar model is causal
# #
# #     xt = data
# #     T1 = length(xt)
# #     N = ParticleNumber          # number of particles
# #     prt = matrix(0,N,T1)        # to collect all particles
# #     wgh = matrix(0,T1,N)        # to collect all particle weights
# #
# #     # allocate memory for zprev
# #     ZprevAll = matrix(0,ARMAorder[1],N)
# #
# #     # Compute integral limits
# #     a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
# #     b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1],t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
# #
# #     # Generate N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
# #     zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #     # save the currrent normal variables
# #     ZprevAll[1,] = zprev
# #
# #     # initial estimate of first AR coefficient as Gamma(1)/Gamma(0) and corresponding error
# #     phit = TacvfAR(AR)[2]/TacvfAR(AR)[1]
# #     rt = as.numeric(sqrt(1-phit^2))
# #
# #     # particle filter weights
# #     wprev = rep(1,N)
# #     wgh[1,] = wprev
# #     nloglik = 0 # initialize likelihood
# #     #t0 = proc.time()
# #     # First p steps:
# #
# #     if (ARorder>=2){
# #       for (t in 2:ARorder){
# #
# #         # best linear predictor is just Phi1*lag(Z,1)+...+phiP*lag(Z,p)
# #         if (t==2) {
# #           ZpreviousTimesPhi = ZprevAll[1:(t-1),]*phit
# #         } else{
# #           ZpreviousTimesPhi = colSums(ZprevAll[1:(t-1),]*phit)
# #         }
# #
# #         # Recompute integral limits
# #         a = (qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,MargParms),0,1) - ZpreviousTimesPhi)/rt
# #         b = (qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],MargParms),0,1) - ZpreviousTimesPhi)/rt
# #
# #         # compute random errors from truncated normal
# #         err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #         # compute the new Z and add it to the previous ones
# #         znew = rbind(ZpreviousTimesPhi + rt*err, ZprevAll[1:(t-1),])
# #         ZprevAll[1:t,] = znew
# #
# #         # recompute weights
# #         wgh[t,] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
# #         wprev = wgh[t,]
# #
# #         # use YW equation to compute estimates of phi and of the erros
# #         Gt = toeplitz(TacvfAR(AR)[1:t])
# #         gt = TacvfAR(AR)[2:(t+1)]
# #         phit = as.numeric(solve(Gt) %*% gt)
# #         rt =  as.numeric(sqrt(1 - gt %*% solve(Gt) %*% gt/TacvfAR(AR)[1]))
# #
# #       }
# #     }
# #
# #
# #     # From p to T1 I dont need to estimate phi anymore
# #     for (t in (ARorder+1):T1){
# #       # compute phi_1*Z_{t-1} + phi_2*Z_{t-2} for all particles
# #       if(ARorder>1){# colsums doesnt work for 1-dimensional matrix
# #         ZpreviousTimesPhi = colSums(ZprevAll*AR)
# #       }else{
# #         ZpreviousTimesPhi=ZprevAll*AR
# #       }
# #       # compute limits of truncated normal distribution
# #       a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,MargParms),0,1) - ZpreviousTimesPhi)/rt
# #       b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],MargParms),0,1) -   ZpreviousTimesPhi)/rt
# #
# #       # draw errors from truncated normal
# #       err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #       # Update the underlying Gaussian series (see step 3 in SIS section in the paper)
# #       znew = ZpreviousTimesPhi + rt*err
# #
# #       # Resampling Step--here the function differs from LikSISGenDist_ARp
# #
# #       # compute unnormalized weights
# #       wgh[t,] = pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
# #
# #       # break if I got NA weight
# #       if (any([t,]))| sum(wgh[t,])==0 ){
# #         nloglik = 10^8
# #         break
# #       }
# #
# #       # normalized weights
# #       wghn = wgh[t,]/sum(wgh[t,])
# #
# #       old_state1 <- get_rand_state()
# #
# #       # sample indices from multinomial distribution-see Step 4 of SISR in paper
# #       ESS = sum(1/wghn^2)
# #       if(ESS<epsilon*N){
# #         ind = rmultinom(1,N,wghn)
# #         # sample particles
# #         znew = rep(znew,ind)
# #
# #         # use low variance resampling
# #         #znew = lowVarianceRS(znew, wghn, N)
# #       }
# #       set_rand_state(old_state1)
# #
# #
# #       # save particles
# #       if (ARorder>1){
# #         ZprevAll = rbind(znew, ZprevAll[1:(ARorder-1),])
# #       }else {
# #         ZprevAll[1,]=znew
# #       }
# #       # update likelihood
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mean(wgh[t,]))
# #     }
# #
# #     # likelihood approximation
# #     nloglik = nloglik - log(mypdf(xt[1],MargParms))
# #
# #
# #     # for log-likelihood we use a bias correction--see par2.3 in Durbin Koopman, 1997
# #     nloglik = nloglik
# #     #- (1/(2*N))*(var(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,])))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))
# #
# #     out =nloglik
# #
# #   }else{
# #     nloglik = 10^8
# #   }
# #
# #   return(out)
# # }
# #
# # # PF likelihood with resampling for MA(1)
# # ParticleFilterMA1_Res = function(theta, data, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber, CountDist, epsilon){
# #   #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #   # REDUNANT--Initially I used this function for MA(1) ParticleFilter resampling
# #   #           without regressors. The function ParticleFilterMA_Res_Reg  considers
# #   #           general MA(q) with and without regressors.
# #   #
# #   # PURPOSE:  Use particle filtering with resampling to approximate the likelihood
# #   #           of the a specified count time series model with an underlying MA(1)
# #   #           dependence structure.
# #   #
# #   # NOTES:    1. See "Latent Gaussian Count Time Series Modeling" for  more
# #   #           details. A first version of the paper can be found at:
# #   # 
# #   #           2. This function is very similar to LikSISGenDist_ARp but here
# #   #           I have a resampling step.
# #   #
# #   # INPUTS:
# #   #    theta:            parameter vector
# #   #    data:             data
# #   #    ParticleNumber:   number of particles to be used.
# #   #    CountDist:        count marginal distribution
# #   #    epsilon           resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
# #   #
# #   # OUTPUT:
# #   #    loglik:           approximate log-likelihood
# #   #
# #   #
# #   # AUTHORS: James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras, Stefanos Kechagias,
# #   # DATE:    April 2020
# #   #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #
# # old_state <- get_rand_state()
# # on.exit(set_rand_state(old_state))
# #  #print(theta)
# #   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
# #
# #   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters
# #   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
# #                            "Poisson"             = 1,
# #                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:2,
# #                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:3,
# #                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:2,
# #                            "Binomial"            = 1:2)
# #
# #   # retrieve marginal cdf
# #   mycdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                  "Poisson"                       = ppois,
# #                  "Negative Binomial"             = function(x, theta){ pnbinom(x,  theta[1], 1-theta[2]) },
# #                  "Mixed Poisson"                 = pMixedPoisson,
# #                  "Generalized Poisson"           = pGenPoisson,
# #                  "Binomial"                      = pbinom
# #   )
# #
# #   # retrieve marginal pdf
# #   mypdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                  "Poisson"                       = dpois,
# #                  "Negative Binomial"             = function(x, theta){ dnbinom(x,  theta[1],  1-theta[2]) },
# #                  "Mixed Poisson"                 = dMixedPoisson,
# #                  "Generalized Poisson"           = dGenPoisson,
# #                  "Binomial"                      = dbinom
# #   )
# #
# #   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
# #   MargParms = theta[MargParmIndices]
# #   nMargParms = length(MargParms) # num param in MargParms
# #
# #
# #   # retrieve MA parameters
# #     tht = theta[nMargParms + 1]
# #     xt = data
# #     T1 = length(xt)
# #     N = ParticleNumber          # number of particles
# #     wgh = matrix(0,T1,N)        # to collect all particle weights
# #
# #
# #     # Compute integral limits
# #     a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
# #     b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1],t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
# #
# #     # Generate N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
# #     zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #     # Exact form for one-step ahead prediction in MA(1) ase
# #     rt0 = 1+tht^2
# #     zhat = tht*zprev/rt0
# #
# #     # particle filter weights
# #     wprev = rep(1,N)
# #     wgh[1,] = wprev
# #     nloglik = 0 # initialize likelihood
# #
# #     for (t in 2:T1){
# #       rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 173 in BD book
# #       rt = sqrt(rt0/(1+tht^2))
# #
# #       # compute limits of truncated normal distribution
# #       a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #       b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],MargParms),0,1) -   zhat)/rt
# #
# #       # draw errors from truncated normal
# #       err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #       # Update the underlying Gaussian series (see step 3 in SIS section in the paper)
# #       znew = zhat + rt*err
# #
# #       # compute unnormalized weights
# #       wgh[t,] = pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
# #
# #       # break if I got NA weight
# #       if (any([t,]))| sum(wgh[t,])<10^(-8) ){
# #         nloglik = 10^8
# #         break
# #       }
# #
# #       # normalized weights
# #       wghn = wgh[t,]/sum(wgh[t,])
# #
# #       old_state1 <- get_rand_state()
# #
# #       # Resampling: sample indices from multinomial distribution-see Step 4 of SISR in paper
# #       ESS = 1/sum(wghn^2)
# #
# #       if(ESS<epsilon*N){
# #         ind = rmultinom(1,N,wghn)
# #         # sample particles
# #         znew = rep(znew,ind)
# #
# #         # use low variance resampling
# #         #znew = lowVarianceRS(znew, wghn, N)
# #       }
# #       zhat = tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
# #       set_rand_state(old_state1)
# #
# #       # update likelihood
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mean(wgh[t,]))
# #     }
# #
# #     # likelihood approximation
# #     nloglik = nloglik - log(mypdf(xt[1],MargParms))
# #
# #
# #     # for log-likelihood we use a bias correction--see par2.3 in Durbin Koopman, 1997
# #     nloglik = nloglik
# #     #- (1/(2*N))*(var(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,])))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))
# #
# #     out =nloglik
# #
# #     if (out==Inf |{
# #       out = 10^8
# #     }
# #
# #   return(out)
# # }
# # PF likelihood with resampling for MA(1) with regressors
# # ParticleFilterMA1_Res_Reg = function(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber, CountDist, epsilon){
# #   #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #   # REDUNANT--Initially I used this functyion for MA(1) ParticleFilter resampling
# #   #           with regressors. The function ParticleFilterMA_Res_Reg  considers
# #   #           general MA(q).
# #   # PURPOSE:  Use particle filtering with resampling to approximate the likelihood
# #   #           of the a specified count time series model with an underlying MA(1)
# #   #           dependence structure.
# #   #
# #   # NOTES:    1. See "Latent Gaussian Count Time Series Modeling" for  more
# #   #           details. A first version of the paper can be found at:
# #   # 
# #   #           2. This function is very similar to LikSISGenDist_ARp but here
# #   #           I have a resampling step.
# #   #
# #   # INPUTS:
# #   #    theta:            parameter vector
# #   #    data:             data
# #   #    ParticleNumber:   number of particles to be used.
# #   #    Regressor:        independent variable
# #   #    CountDist:        count marginal distribution
# #   #    epsilon           resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
# #   #
# #   # OUTPUT:
# #   #    loglik:           approximate log-likelihood
# #   #
# #   #
# #   # AUTHORS: James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras, Stefanos Kechagias,
# #   # DATE:    July 2020
# #   #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #
# #   old_state <- get_rand_state()
# #   on.exit(set_rand_state(old_state))
# #
# #   # number of regressors assuming there is an intercept
# #   nreg = dim(Regressor)[2]-1
# #   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
# #
# #   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters-the regressor is assumed to have an intercept
# #   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
# #                            "Poisson"             = 1:(1+nreg),
# #                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:(2+nreg),
# #                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:(3+nreg),
# #                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:(2+nreg),
# #                            "Binomial"            = 1:(2+nreg))
# #   if(nreg<1){
# #     # retrieve marginal cdf
# #     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                    "Poisson"             = ppois,
# #                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ pnbinom (q = x, size = theta[1], prob = 1-theta[2])},
# #                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ pmixpois(x, p = theta[1], lam1 = theta[2], lam2 = theta[3])},
# #                    "Generalized Poisson" = pGpois,
# #                    "Binomial"            = pbinom
# #     )
# #
# #     # retrieve marginal pdf
# #     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                    "Poisson"             = dpois,
# #                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ dnbinom (x, size = theta[1], prob = 1-theta[2]) },
# #                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ dmixpois(x, p = theta[1], lam1 = theta[2], lam2 = theta[3])},
# #                    "Generalized Poisson" = dGpois,
# #                    "Binomial"            = dbinom
# #     )
# #   }else{
# #     # retrieve marginal cdf
# #     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
# #                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
# #     )
# #     # retrieve marginal pdf
# #     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
# #                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
# #     )
# #   }
# #
# #
# #
# #   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
# #   MargParms  = theta[MargParmIndices]
# #   nMargParms = length(MargParms)
# #   nparms     = length(theta)
# #
# #
# #   # Add the regressor to the parameters--only works for Negative Binomial
# #   if(CountDist == "Negative Binomial"){
# #     beta = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
# #     k = MargParms[nreg+2]
# #     m = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
# #     r = 1/k
# #     p = k*m/(1+k*m)
# #     ConstMargParm = r
# #     DynamMargParm = p
# #   }
# #
# #   if(CountDist == "Generalized Poisson"){
# #     beta   = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
# #     ConstMargParm  = MargParms[nreg+2]
# #     DynamMargParm = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
# #   }
# #
# #
# #   # retrieve ARMA parameters
# #   AR = NULL
# #   if(ARMAorder[1]>0) AR = theta[(nMargParms+1):(nMargParms + ARMAorder[1])]
# #
# #   MA = NULL
# #   if(ARMAorder[2]>0) MA = theta[ (nMargParms+ARMAorder[1]+1) : (nMargParms + ARMAorder[1] + ARMAorder[2]) ]
# #
# #   if (checkPoly(AR,MA)[1]=="Causal" && checkPoly(AR,MA)[2]=="Invertible"){
# #     # retrieve MA parameters
# #
# #     tht = MA[1]
# #     xt = data
# #     T1 = length(xt)
# #     N = ParticleNumber          # number of particles
# #     wgh = matrix(0,T1,N)        # to collect all particle weights
# #
# #     if(nreg==0){
# #       # Compute integral limits
# #       a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
# #       b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1],t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
# #     }else{
# #       a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1, ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
# #       b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
# #     }
# #
# #     # Generate N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
# #     zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #     # Exact form for one-step ahead prediction in MA(1) case
# #     if (is.null(MA) && is.null(AR)){
# #       rt0 = 1
# #       zhat = 0
# #     }else{
# #       rt0 = 1+tht^2
# #       zhat = tht*zprev/rt0
# #     }
# #
# #
# #     # particle filter weights
# #     wprev = rep(1,N)
# #     wgh[1,] = wprev
# #     nloglik = 0 # initialize likelihood
# #     for (t in 2:T1){
# #
# #       if (is.null(MA) && is.null(AR)){
# #         rt0 = 1
# #         rt  = 1
# #       }else{
# #         rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 173 in BD book
# #         rt = sqrt(rt0/(1+tht^2))
# #       }
# #
# #       if(nreg==0){
# #         # compute limits of truncated normal distribution
# #         a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #         b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],MargParms),0,1) -   zhat)/rt
# #       }else{
# #         a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #         b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) -   zhat)/rt
# #       }
# #
# #       # draw errors from truncated normal
# #       err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #       # Update the underlying Gaussian series (see step 3 in SIS section in the paper)
# #       znew = zhat + rt*err
# #
# #       # compute unnormalized weights
# #       wgh[t,] = pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
# #
# #       # break if I got NA weight
# #       if (any([t,]))| sum(wgh[t,])<10^(-8) ){
# #         nloglik = 10^8
# #         break
# #       }
# #
# #       # normalized weights
# #       wghn = wgh[t,]/sum(wgh[t,])
# #
# #       old_state1 <- get_rand_state()
# #
# #       # Resampling: sample indices from multinomial distribution-see Step 4 of SISR in paper
# #       ESS = 1/sum(wghn^2)
# #
# #       if(ESS<epsilon*N){
# #         ind = rmultinom(1,N,wghn)
# #         # sample particles
# #         znew = rep(znew,ind)
# #
# #         # use low variance resampling
# #         #znew = lowVarianceRS(znew, wghn, N)
# #       }
# #
# #       if (is.null(MA) && is.null(AR)){
# #         zhat = 0
# #       }else{
# #         zhat = tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
# #       }
# #       set_rand_state(old_state1)
# #
# #       # update likelihood
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mean(wgh[t,]))
# #     }
# #
# #     # likelihood approximation
# #     if(nreg<1){
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mypdf(xt[1],MargParms))
# #     }else{
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mypdf(xt[1], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]))
# #       }
# #
# #     # for log-likelihood we use a bias correction--see par2.3 in Durbin Koopman, 1997
# #     nloglik = nloglik
# #     #- (1/(2*N))*(var(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,])))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))
# #
# #     out =nloglik
# #
# #     if (out==Inf |{
# #       out = 10^8
# #       }
# #     }else{
# #       out = 10^9
# #       }
# #
# #   return(out)
# # }
# # = function(a,b){
# #   # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
# #   qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# # }
# #
# # likSISR = function(theta, data){
# #   cdf = function(x, theta1){ pnbinom(q = x, size = theta1[1], prob = theta1[2]) }
# #   pdf = function(x, theta1){ dnbinom(x = x, size = theta1[1], prob = theta1[2]) }
# #   #set.seed(1)
# #   theta1.idx = 1:2
# #   theta2.idx = 3
# #   theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
# #   n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
# #   theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)
# #   tht = theta[theta2.idx]
# #   xt = data
# #   T1 = length(xt)
# #   N = 1000 # number of particles
# #   prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
# #   wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights
# #
# #   a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
# #   b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
# #   a = rep(a,N)
# #   b = rep(b,N)
# #   zprev =,b)
# #   rt0 = 1+tht^2
# #   zhat = tht*zprev/rt0
# #   prt[,1] = zhat
# #
# #
# #   nloglik <- 0
# #   for (t in 2:T1)
# #   {
# #     rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 173 in BD book
# #     rt = sqrt(rt0/(1+tht^2))
# #     a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #     b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #     err =,b)
# #     znew =   + rt*err
# #     wgh <- pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
# #     if (any( # see apf code below for explanation
# #     {
# #       #nloglik <- NaN
# #       nloglik <- Inf
# #       break
# #     }
# #     if (sum(wgh)==0)
# #     {
# #       #nloglik <- NaN
# #       nloglik <- Inf
# #       break
# #     }
# #     wghn <- wgh/sum(wgh)
# #     ind <- rmultinom(1, N, wghn)
# #     znew <- rep(znew,ind)
# #
# #     zhat = tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
# #     prt[,t] = zhat
# #
# #     nloglik <- nloglik -2*log(mean(wgh))
# #   }
# #
# #   nloglik <- nloglik - 2*log(pdf(xt[1],theta1))
# #
# #
# #   out = if ( Inf else nloglik
# #   return(out)
# # }
# # Add some functions that I will need in particle filtering approximation of
# # likelihood. See file LikSIS_ARpGenDist.R
# # # Add some functions that I will need
# # get_rand_state <- function() {
# #   # Using `get0()` here to have `NULL` output in case object doesn't exist.
# #   # Also using `inherits = FALSE` to get value exactly from global environment
# #   # and not from one of its parent.
# #   get0(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
# # }
# #
# # set_rand_state <- function(state) {
# #   # Assigning `NULL` state might lead to unwanted consequences
# #   if (!is.null(state)) {
# #     assign(".Random.seed", state, envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
# #   }
# # }
# #
# #
# # # innovations algorithm code
# # innovations.algorithm <- function(acvf,n.max=length(acvf)-1){
# #   # Found this onlinbe need to check it
# #   #
# #   thetas <- vector(mode="list",length=n.max)
# #   vs <- rep(acvf[1],n.max+1)
# #   for(n in 1:n.max)
# #   {
# #     thetas[[n]] <- rep(0,n)
# #     thetas[[n]][n] <- acvf[n+1]/vs[1]
# #     if(n>1)
# #     {
# #       for(k in 1:(n-1))
# #       {
# #         js <- 0:(k-1)
# #         thetas[[n]][n-k] <- (acvf[n-k+1] - sum(thetas[[k]][k-js]*thetas[[n]][n-js]*vs[js+1]))/vs[k+1]
# #       }
# #     }
# #     js <- 0:(n-1)
# #     vs[n+1] <- vs[n+1] - sum(thetas[[n]][n-js]^2*vs[js+1])
# #   }
# #   structure(list(vs=vs,thetas=thetas))
# # }
# # PF likelihood with resampling for AR(p)
# # ParticleFilter_Res_AR = function(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber, CountDist, epsilon){
# #   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #   # PURPOSE:  Use particle filtering with resampling
# #   #           to approximate the likelihood of the
# #   #           a specified count time series model with an underlying AR(p)
# #   #           dependence structure. A singloe dummy regression is added here.
# #   #
# #   # NOTES:    1. See "Latent Gaussian Count Time Series Modeling" for  more
# #   #           details. A first version of the paer can be found at:
# #   # 
# #   #           2. This function is very similar to LikSISGenDist_ARp but here
# #   #           I have a resampling step.
# #   #
# #   # INPUTS:
# #   #    theta:            parameter vector
# #   #    data:             data
# #   #    ParticleNumber:   number of particles to be used.
# #   #    CountDist:        count marginal distribution
# #   #    epsilon           resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
# #   #
# #   # OUTPUT:
# #   #    loglik:           approximate log-likelihood
# #   #
# #   #
# #   # AUTHORS: James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras, Stefanos Kechagias,
# #   # DATE:    July  2020
# #   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #
# #   old_state <- get_rand_state()
# #   on.exit(set_rand_state(old_state))
# #
# #   # number of regressors assuming there is an intercept
# #   nreg = ifelse(is.null(Regressor), 0,dim(Regressor)[2]-1)
# #
# #   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
# #
# #   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters-the regressor is assumed to have an intercept
# #   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
# #                            "Poisson"             = 1:(1+nreg),
# #                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:(2+nreg),
# #                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:(3+nreg),
# #                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:(2+nreg),
# #                            "Binomial"            = 1:(2+nreg))
# #   if(nreg<1){
# #     # retrieve marginal cdf
# #     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                  "Poisson"             = ppois,
# #                  "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ pnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2])},
# #                  "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ pmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
# #                  "Generalized Poisson" = pGpois,
# #                  "Binomial"            = pbinom
# #     )
# #
# #     # retrieve marginal pdf
# #     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                  "Poisson"             = dpois,
# #                  "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ dnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2]) },
# #                  "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ dmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
# #                  "Generalized Poisson" = dGpois,
# #                  "Binomial"            = dbinom
# #     )
# #     }else{
# #       # retrieve marginal cdf
# #       mycdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                      "Poisson"             = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){             ppois   (x, DynamTheta)},
# #                      "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
# #                      "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
# #       )
# #       # retrieve marginal pdf
# #       mypdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                      "Poisson"             = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){             dpois   (x, DynamTheta)},
# #                      "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
# #                      "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
# #       )
# #     }
# #
# #
# #
# #   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
# #   MargParms  = theta[MargParmIndices]
# #   nMargParms = length(MargParms)
# #   nparms     = length(theta)
# #
# #   # check if the number of parameters matches the model setting
# #   if(nMargParms + sum(ARMAorder)!=nparms) stop('The length of theta does not match the model specification.')
# #
# #
# #   # Add the regressor to the parameters--only works for Negative Binomial
# #   if(CountDist == "Negative Binomial" && nreg>0){
# #     beta = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
# #     k = MargParms[nreg+2]
# #     m = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
# #     r = 1/k
# #     p = k*m/(1+k*m)
# #     ConstMargParm = r
# #     DynamMargParm = p
# #   }
# #
# #   if(CountDist == "Generalized Poisson" && nreg>0){
# #     beta   = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
# #     ConstMargParm  = MargParms[nreg+2]
# #     DynamMargParm = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
# #   }
# #
# #   if(CountDist == "Poisson" && nreg>0){
# #     beta           = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
# #     ConstMargParm  = NULL
# #     DynamMargParm  = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
# #   }
# #
# #
# #   # retrieve ARMA parameters
# #   AR = NULL
# #   if(ARMAorder[1]>0) AR = theta[(nMargParms+1):(nMargParms + ARMAorder[1])]
# #
# #   MA = NULL
# #   if(ARMAorder[2]>0) MA = theta[ (nMargParms+ARMAorder[1]+1) : (nMargParms + ARMAorder[1] + ARMAorder[2]) ]
# #
# #
# #   if (checkPoly(AR,MA)[1]=="Causal" && checkPoly(AR,MA)[2]=="Invertible"){
# #
# #     xt = data
# #     T1 = length(xt)
# #     N = ParticleNumber          # number of particles
# #     prt = matrix(0,N,T1)        # to collect all particles
# #     wgh = matrix(0,T1,N)        # to collect all particle weights
# #
# #     # allocate memory for zprev
# #     ZprevAll = matrix(0,ARMAorder[1],N)
# #
# #     if(nreg==0){
# #       # Compute integral limits
# #       a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
# #       b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1],t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
# #     }else{
# #       a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1]-1, ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
# #       b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(xt[1], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
# #     }
# #     # Generate N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
# #     zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #     # save the currrent normal variables
# #     ZprevAll[1,] = zprev
# #
# #     # initial estimate of first AR coefficient as Gamma(1)/Gamma(0) and corresponding error
# #     phit = TacvfAR(AR)[2]/TacvfAR(AR)[1]
# #     rt = as.numeric(sqrt(1-phit^2))
# #
# #     # particle filter weights
# #     wprev = rep(1,N)
# #     wgh[1,] = wprev
# #     nloglik = 0 # initialize likelihood
# #
# #     # First p steps:
# #     if (ARMAorder[1]>=2){
# #       for (t in 2:ARMAorder[1]){
# #
# #         # best linear predictor is just Phi1*lag(Z,1)+...+phiP*lag(Z,p)
# #         if (t==2) {
# #           zhat = ZprevAll[1:(t-1),]*phit
# #         } else{
# #           zhat = colSums(ZprevAll[1:(t-1),]*phit)
# #         }
# #
# #         # Recompute integral limits
# #         if(nreg==0){
# #           a = (qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #           b = (qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],t(MargParms)),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #         }else{
# #           a = (qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #           b = (qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #         }
# #
# #         # compute random errors from truncated normal
# #         err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #         # compute the new Z and add it to the previous ones
# #         znew = rbind(zhat + rt*err, ZprevAll[1:(t-1),])
# #         ZprevAll[1:t,] = znew
# #
# #         # recompute weights
# #         wgh[t,] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
# #         wprev = wgh[t,]
# #
# #         # use YW equation to compute estimates of phi and of the erros
# #         Gt = toeplitz(TacvfAR(AR)[1:t])
# #         gt = TacvfAR(AR)[2:(t+1)]
# #         phit = as.numeric(solve(Gt) %*% gt)
# #         rt =  as.numeric(sqrt(1 - gt %*% solve(Gt) %*% gt/TacvfAR(AR)[1]))
# #
# #       }
# #     }
# #
# #
# #     # From p to T1 I dont need to estimate phi anymore
# #     for (t in (ARMAorder[1]+1):T1){
# #
# #       # compute phi_1*Z_{t-1} + phi_2*Z_{t-2} for all particles
# #       if(ARMAorder[1]>1){# colsums doesnt work for 1-dimensional matrix
# #         zhat = colSums(ZprevAll*AR)
# #       }else{
# #         zhat=ZprevAll*AR
# #       }
# #
# #       # compute limits of truncated normal distribution
# #       if(nreg==0){
# #         a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #         b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],  MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #       }else{
# #         a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t]-1,ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #         b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(xt[t],  ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
# #       }
# #
# #       # draw errors from truncated normal
# #       err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #       # Update the underlying Gaussian series (see step 3 in SIS section in the paper)
# #       znew = zhat + rt*err
# #
# #       # Resampling Step--here the function differs from LikSISGenDist_ARp
# #
# #       # compute unnormalized weights
# #       wgh[t,] = pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
# #
# #       # break if I got NA weight
# #       if (any([t,]))| sum(wgh[t,])==0 ){
# #         nloglik = 10^8
# #         break
# #       }
# #
# #       # normalized weights
# #       wghn = wgh[t,]/sum(wgh[t,])
# #
# #       old_state1 <- get_rand_state()
# #
# #       # sample indices from multinomial distribution-see Step 4 of SISR in paper
# #       ESS = 1/sum(wghn^2)
# #       if(ESS<epsilon*N){
# #         ind = rmultinom(1,N,wghn)
# #         # sample particles
# #         znew = rep(znew,ind)
# #
# #         # use low variance resampling
# #         #znew = lowVarianceRS(znew, wghn, N)
# #       }
# #       set_rand_state(old_state1)
# #
# #
# #       # save particles
# #       if (ARMAorder[1]>1){
# #         ZprevAll = rbind(znew, ZprevAll[1:(ARMAorder[1]-1),])
# #       }else {
# #         ZprevAll[1,]=znew
# #       }
# #       # update likelihood
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mean(wgh[t,]))
# #     }
# #
# #     # likelihood approximation
# #     if(nreg==0){
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mypdf(xt[1],MargParms))
# #     }else{
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mypdf(xt[1], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]))
# #     }
# #
# #
# #
# #     # for log-likelihood we use a bias correction--see par2.3 in Durbin Koopman, 1997
# #     nloglik = nloglik
# #     #- (1/(2*N))*(var(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,])))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))
# #
# #     out = nloglik
# #
# #   }else{
# #     out = 10^9
# #   }
# #
# #   return(out)
# # }
# # # PF likelihood with resampling for MA(q)
# # ParticleFilter_Res_MA = function(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber, CountDist, epsilon){
# #   #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #   # PURPOSE:  Use particle filtering with resampling to approximate the likelihood
# #   #           of the a specified count time series model with an underlying MA(1)
# #   #           dependence structure.
# #   #
# #   # NOTES:    1. See "Latent Gaussian Count Time Series Modeling" for  more
# #   #           details. A first version of the paper can be found at:
# #   # 
# #   #           2. This function is very similar to LikSISGenDist_ARp but here
# #   #           I have a resampling step.
# #   #
# #   # INPUTS:
# #   #    theta:            parameter vector
# #   #    data:             data
# #   #    ParticleNumber:   number of particles to be used.
# #   #    Regressor:        independent variable
# #   #    CountDist:        count marginal distribution
# #   #    epsilon           resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
# #   #
# #   # OUTPUT:
# #   #    loglik:           approximate log-likelihood
# #   #
# #   #
# #   # AUTHORS: James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras, Stefanos Kechagias,
# #   # DATE:    July 2020
# #   #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #
# #   old_state <- get_rand_state()
# #   on.exit(set_rand_state(old_state))
# #
# #   # number of regressors assuming there is an intercept
# #   nreg = ifelse(is.null(Regressor), 0,dim(Regressor)[2]-1)
# #
# #   # sample size and number of particles
# #   T1  = length(data)
# #   N   = ParticleNumber
# #
# #   # FIX ME: When I add the function in LGC the following can happen in LGC and pass here as arguments
# #
# #   # retrieve indices of marginal distribution parameters-the regressor is assumed to have an intercept
# #   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
# #                            "Poisson"             = 1:(1+nreg),
# #                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:(2+nreg),
# #                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:(3+nreg),
# #                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:(2+nreg),
# #                            "Binomial"            = 1:(2+nreg))
# #   if(nreg<1){
# #     # retrieve marginal cdf
# #     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                    "Poisson"             = ppois,
# #                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ pnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2])},
# #                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ pmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
# #                    "Generalized Poisson" = pGpois,
# #                    "Binomial"            = pbinom
# #     )
# #
# #     # retrieve marginal pdf
# #     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                    "Poisson"             = dpois,
# #                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, theta){ dnbinom (x, theta[1], 1-theta[2]) },
# #                    "Mixed Poisson"       = function(x, theta){ dmixpois(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])},
# #                    "Generalized Poisson" = dGpois,
# #                    "Binomial"            = dbinom
# #     )
# #   }else{
# #     # retrieve marginal cdf
# #     mycdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                    "Poisson"             = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){             ppois   (x, DynamTheta)},
# #                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
# #                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
# #     )
# #     # retrieve marginal pdf
# #     mypdf = switch(CountDist,
# #                    "Poisson"             = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){             dpois   (x, DynamTheta)},
# #                    "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
# #                    "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ dGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
# #     )
# #   }
# #
# #
# #
# #   # retrieve marginal distribution parameters
# #   MargParms  = theta[MargParmIndices]
# #   nMargParms = length(MargParms)
# #   nparms     = length(theta)
# #
# #   # check if the number of parameters matches the model setting
# #   if(nMargParms + sum(ARMAorder)!=nparms) stop('The length of theta does not match the model specification.')
# #
# #   # Add the regressor to the parameters--only works for Negative Binomial
# #   if(CountDist == "Negative Binomial" && nreg>0){
# #     beta          = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
# #     k             = MargParms[nreg+2]
# #     m             = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
# #     r             = 1/k
# #     p             = k*m/(1+k*m)
# #     ConstMargParm = r
# #     DynamMargParm = p
# #   }
# #
# #   if(CountDist == "Generalized Poisson" && nreg>0){
# #     beta           = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
# #     ConstMargParm  = MargParms[nreg+2]
# #     DynamMargParm  = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
# #   }
# #
# #   if(CountDist == "Poisson" && nreg>0){
# #     beta           = MargParms[1:(nreg+1)]
# #     ConstMargParm  = NULL
# #     DynamMargParm  = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
# #   }
# #
# #
# #   # retrieve AR parameters
# #   AR = NULL
# #   if(ARMAorder[1]>0) AR = theta[(nMargParms+1):(nMargParms + ARMAorder[1])]
# #
# #   # retrieve MA parameters
# #   MA = NULL
# #   if(ARMAorder[2]>0) MA = theta[ (nMargParms+ARMAorder[1]+1) : (nMargParms + ARMAorder[1] + ARMAorder[2]) ]
# #
# #   #--------------------focus on stable models----------------------------
# #   if (checkPoly(AR,MA)[1]=="Causal" && checkPoly(AR,MA)[2]=="Invertible"){
# #
# #     # allocate matrix to collect all particle weights
# #     wgh = matrix(0,length(data),N)
# #
# #     # Compute integral limits
# #     if(nreg==0){
# #       a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(data[1]-1,t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
# #       b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(data[1],t(MargParms)),0,1), N)
# #     }else{
# #       a = rep( qnorm(mycdf(data[1]-1, ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
# #       b = rep( qnorm(mycdf(data[1], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]) ,0,1), N)
# #     }
# #
# #     # Generate N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
# #     zprev = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #
# #     # run innovations Algorithm for MA models that are not WN
# #     if(ARMAorder[2]>0) Inn = matrix(0,N,ARMAorder[2])       # I will save here the q many innovations (Z - Zhat) --see (5.3.9) BD book
# #     if (is.null(MA) && is.null(AR)){
# #       v0   = 1
# #       zhat = 0
# #     }else{
# #       MA.acvf <- as.vector(tacvfARMA(theta = MA, maxLag=T1))
# #       ia = innovations.algorithm(MA.acvf)
# #       Theta = ia$thetas
# #       # first stage of Innovations
# #       v0    = ia$vs[1]
# #       zhat = -Theta[[1]][1]*zprev
# #       Inn[,ARMAorder[2]] = zprev
# #     }
# #
# #     # particle filter weights
# #     wprev   = rep(1,N)
# #     wgh[1,] = wprev
# #     nloglik = 0 # initialize likelihood
# #
# #     for (t in 2:T1){
# #
# #       # update innovations quantities if not White noise
# #       if (is.null(MA) && is.null(AR)){
# #         vt=1
# #       }else{
# #         vt0 = ia$vs[t]
# #         vt  = sqrt(vt0/v0)
# #         }
# #
# #       # roll the old Innovations to earlier columns
# #       if(ARMAorder[2]>1) Inn[,1:(ARMAorder[2]-1)] = Inn[,2:(ARMAorder[2])]
# #
# #       # compute limits of truncated normal distribution
# #       if(nreg==0){
# #         a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(data[t]-1,MargParms),0,1) - zhat)/vt
# #         b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(data[t],MargParms),0,1) -   zhat)/vt
# #       }else{
# #         a = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(data[t]-1,ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) - zhat)/vt
# #         b = as.numeric(qnorm(mycdf(data[t],ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[t]),0,1) -   zhat)/vt
# #       }
# #
# #       # draw errors from truncated normal
# #       err = qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
# #
# #       # Update the underlying Gaussian series (see step 3 in SIS section in the paper)
# #       znew = zhat + vt*err
# #
# #       # compute new innovation
# #       Inn[,ARMAorder[2]] = (znew-zhat)
# #
# #       # compute unnormalized weights
# #       wgh[t,] = pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
# #
# #       # break if I got NA weight
# #       if (any([t,]))| sum(wgh[t,])<10^(-8) ){
# #         nloglik = 10^8
# #         break
# #       }
# #
# #       # normalized weights
# #       wghn = wgh[t,]/sum(wgh[t,])
# #
# #       old_state1 <- get_rand_state()
# #
# #       # Resampling: sample indices from multinomial distribution-see Step 4 of SISR in paper
# #       ESS = 1/sum(wghn^2)
# #
# #       if(ESS<epsilon*N){
# #         ind = rmultinom(1,N,wghn)
# #         # sample particles
# #         znew = rep(znew,ind)
# #
# #         # use low variance resampling
# #         #znew = lowVarianceRS(znew, wghn, N)
# #       }
# #
# #       # update zhat--fix me can probably be vectorized
# #       if (is.null(MA) && is.null(AR)){
# #         zhat = 0
# #       }else{
# #         S = 0
# #         for(j in 1:min(t,ARMAorder[2])){
# #           S = S-Theta[[t]][j]*Inn[,ARMAorder[2]-j+1]
# #         }
# #         zhat = S
# #       }
# #
# #       set_rand_state(old_state1)
# #
# #       # update likelihood
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mean(wgh[t,]))
# #     }
# #
# #     # likelihood approximation
# #     if(nreg<1){
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mypdf(data[1],MargParms))
# #     }else{
# #       nloglik = nloglik - log(mypdf(data[1], ConstMargParm, DynamMargParm[1]))
# #     }
# #
# #     # for log-likelihood we use a bias correction--see par2.3 in Durbin Koopman, 1997
# #     nloglik = nloglik
# #     #- (1/(2*N))*(var(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,])))/mean(na.omit(wgh[T1,]))
# #
# #     out =nloglik
# #
# #     if (out==Inf |{
# #       out = 10^8
# #     }
# #   }else{
# #     out = 10^9
# #   }
# #
# #   return(out)
# # }
# # # PF likelihood with resampling
# # ParticleFilter_Res = function(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder, ParticleNumber, CountDist, epsilon){
# #   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #   # PURPOSE:  Use particle filtering with resampling
# #   #           to approximate the likelihood of the
# #   #           a specified count time series model with an underlying AR(p)
# #   #           dependence structure or MA(q) structure.
# #   #
# #   # NOTES:    1. See "Latent Gaussian Count Time Series Modeling" for  more
# #   #           details. A first version of the paer can be found at:
# #   # 
# #
# #   #
# #   # INPUTS:
# #   #    theta:            parameter vector
# #   #    data:             dependent variable
# #   #    Regressor:        independent variables
# #   #    ParticleNumber:   number of particles to be used in likelihood approximation
# #   #    CountDist:        count marginal distribution
# #   #    epsilon           resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
# #   #
# #   # OUTPUT:
# #   #    loglik:           approximate log-likelihood
# #   #
# #   #
# #   # AUTHORS: James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras, Stefanos Kechagias,
# #   # DATE:    July 2020
# #   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# #
# #   # check Particle number
# #   if(epsilon > 1 || epsilon<0) stop('Please select a value between 0 and 1 for epsilon.')
# #
# #   # check Particle number
# #   if(ParticleNumber<1) stop('Please select a nonegative value for the argument ParticleNumber.')
# #
# #   # check distributions
# #   if ( !(CountDist %in%  c("Poisson", "Negative Binomial", "Mixed Poisson", "Generalized Poisson", "Binomial" )))
# #     stop('The argument CountDist must take one of the following values:
# #          "Poisson", "Negative Binomial", "Mixed Poisson", "Generalized Poisson", "Binomial".')
# #
# #   # check ARMAorder
# #   if(prod(ARMAorder)<0 || length(ARMAorder)!= 2) stop('The argument ARMAorder must have length 2 and can not take negative values.')
# #
# #   # Mixed ARMA model
# #   if(ARMAorder[1]>0 && ARMAorder[2]>0) stop('Please specify a pure AR or a pure MA model. ARMA(p,q) models with p>0 and q>0 have not yet been implemented.')
# #
# #   # Pure AR model
# #   if(ARMAorder[1]>0 && ARMAorder[2]==0) loglik = ParticleFilter_Res_AR(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder,
# #                                                                       ParticleNumber, CountDist, epsilon)
# #   # Pure MA model or White noise
# #   if(ARMAorder[1]==0&& ARMAorder[2]>=0) loglik = ParticleFilter_Res_MA(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder,
# #                                                                       ParticleNumber, CountDist, epsilon)
# #
# #   return(loglik)
# # }
# # # Optimization wrapper to fit PF likelihood with resamplinbg
# # FitMultiplePF_Res = function(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder, Particles, CountDist, epsilon, LB, UB, OptMethod){
# #   #====================================================================================#
# #   # PURPOSE       Fit the Particle Filter log-likelihood with resampling.
# #   #               This function maximizes the PF likelihood, nfit manys times for nparts
# #   #               many choices of particle numbers, thus yielding a total of nfit*nparts
# #   #               many estimates.
# #   #
# #   # INPUT
# #   #   theta       initial parameters
# #   #   data        count series
# #   #   CountDist   prescribed count distribution
# #   #   Particles   vector with different choices for number of particles
# #   #   ARMAorder   order of the udnerlying ARMA model
# #   #   epsilon     resampling when ESS<epsilon*N
# #   #   LB          parameter lower bounds
# #   #   UB          parameter upper bounds
# #   #   OptMethod
# #   #
# #   #
# #   # OUTPUT
# #   #   All         parameter estimates, standard errors, likelihood value, AIC, etc
# #   #
# #   # Authors       Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
# #   # Date          April 2020
# #   # Version       3.6.3
# #   #====================================================================================#
# #
# #   # retrieve parameter, sample size etc
# #   nparts = length(Particles)
# #   nparms = length(theta)
# #   nfit   = 1
# #   n      = length(data)
# #
# #   # allocate memory to save parameter estimates, hessian values, and loglik values
# #   ParmEst  = matrix(0,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
# #   se       =  matrix(NA,nrow=nfit*nparts,ncol=nparms)
# #   loglik   = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   convcode = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   kkt1     = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #   kkt2     = rep(0,nfit*nparts)
# #
# #
# #   # Each realization will be fitted nfit*nparts many times
# #   for (j in 1:nfit){
# #     set.seed(j)
# #     # for each fit repeat for different number of particles
# #     for (k in 1:nparts){
# #       # number of particles to be used
# #       ParticleNumber = Particles[k]
# #
# #       # run optimization for our model --no ARMA model allowed
# #       optim.output <- optimx(par            = theta,
# #                              fn             = ParticleFilter_Res,
# #                              data           = data,
# #                              Regressor      = Regressor,
# #                              ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
# #                              ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
# #                              CountDist      = CountDist,
# #                              epsilon        = epsilon,
# #                              lower          = LB,
# #                              upper          = UB,
# #                              hessian        = TRUE,
# #                              method         = OptMethod)
# #
# #
# #
# #       # save estimates, loglik value and diagonal hessian
# #       ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,]  = as.numeric(optim.output[1:nparms])
# #       loglik[nfit*(k-1) +j]   = optim.output$value
# #       convcode[nfit*(k-1) +j] = optim.output$convcode
# #       kkt1[nfit*(k-1) +j]     = optim.output$kkt1
# #       kkt2[nfit*(k-1) +j]     = optim.output$kkt2
# #
# #
# #       # compute Hessian
# #       H = gHgen(par            = ParmEst[nfit*(k-1)+j,],
# #                 fn             = ParticleFilter_Res,
# #                 data           = data,
# #                 Regressor      = Regressor,
# #                 ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
# #                 CountDist      = CountDist,
# #                 ParticleNumber = ParticleNumber,
# #                 epsilon        = epsilon)
# #
# #       # save standard errors from Hessian
# #       if(H$hessOK && det(H$Hn)>10^(-8)){
# #         se[nfit*(k-1)+j,]   = sqrt(abs(diag(solve(H$Hn))))
# #       }else{
# #         se[nfit*(k-1)+j,] = rep(NA, nparms)
# #       }
# #
# #     }
# #   }
# #
# #   # Compute model selection criteria (assuming one fit)
# #   Criteria = ComputeCriteria(loglik, nparms, n, Particles)
# #
# #
# #   # get the names of the final output
# #   parmnames = colnames(optim.output)
# #   mynames = c(parmnames[1:nparms],paste("se", parmnames[1:nparms], sep="_"), "loglik", "AIC", "BIC","AICc", "status", "kkt1", "kkt2")
# #
# #
# #   All = matrix(c(ParmEst, se, loglik, Criteria, convcode, kkt1, kkt2),nrow=1)
# #   colnames(All) = mynames
# #
# #   return(All)
# # }
jlivsey/countsFun documentation built on March 9, 2023, 5:19 p.m.